
“I’ve got to say but even though it’s early days I find that TM is changing my life. I am slightly agoraphobic yet today I went out on my own in the sunshine…..!!!  I have tried nearly everything from pyschotherapy to Buddhist meditation to medication. None worked. TM works for me.
Thank you for your training in TM. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”
Shane ~ Manchester
“I’ve tried popping over to the cathedral today at lunch to try and do a little lunch break TM which has gone very well (if you’re in the city centre I’d recommend it as a nice place to nip off to and do a little meditation. If you pick a side chapel at the back you don’t get disturbed at all and the cathedral itself is lovely, very pretty and very peaceful).
Im also trying a bit of TM on the train to work which was also good today.
Generally I’m really happy with the technique and just finding ways to ensure I incorporate it into my routine.
I do feel a great benefit already.”
Jilly ~ Cheshire

“Well I am finally back home in New Zealand now and have been back for about 6 months and everything is going really well.  I’ve been meditating since we learnt in Manchester and it has really been good to find something that helps with procrastinating and not following through on things. Its given me a sense of clarity as well, all positives things. “Also since I’ve been back I have had loads of family and friends wanting to learn but the only TM here is the int TM organization and they want $1800 to learn!! ”

Adam ~ New Zealand

“A physical calmness in my chest and stomach.  General sense of wellness, am enthusiastic to incorporate it into my daily routine.”  John ~ Stockport, Manchester

“Much calmer and less stressed.  Mind feels less cluttered and finding it easier to do all my work.  Also feel more energised, collected & centred.  Happy with the difference in how I am feeling.”  Jill ~ Crewe, Cheshire.

“I feel a sense of calm after every meditation, it lasts all day.”  Steve ~ Manchester

” Feeling better & more awake after.”  Jess ~ North Lancs.

“Calmness & energy.”  Jane ~ Altrincham, Manchester.

After first meditation :

“Relaxed, calm, chilled out.”  Victoria ~ Bacup, Lancashire

“Relaxed.  Tired (in a good way)  Surprised.  Easier then I thought.”   Katherine ~ Stockport, Manchester

“I feel calm, a little bit sleepy, but ready to face the day, also feel in a good mood & relaxed.”  Annie ~ Sheffield

After 3 days of meditation :

“More calm in public situations.  More focused on everyday tasks.”  Richard ~ Sheffield

“Feel that I’m already starting to benefit from TM.”  Sue ~ Manchester

“Very good, has had a good effect.”  Louise ~ Warrington, Lancashire

“Extremely helpful and given that I usually get very nervous at any kind of group meeting – very enjoyable.”  John ~ Whalley Range, Manchester

“Alert, relaxed, but also more in tune with my body”  Tom ~ Manchester

“I feel refreshed and comfortable and safe and relaxed” Val ~ Manchester

Doing really well. My life has changed profoundly – my creativity abundant, (I’ve finished a book, feature film and stage play) and stress? I laugh in the face of stress. Yet nothing external has changed, I have changed. Glorious. It’s simply magnificent.

Alex ~ Manchester

“Since I started TM end of June it has taken this long to really feel a difference. I wake up now earlier in the morning. I feel less stressed, my boss throws everything at me but I look forward to doing my afternoon TM. Once I have done it I feel so much better. It has helped me see things clearer, less materialistic than I was.”

Angela ~ Isle of Man.

“I have learnt a different form of meditation which I find easier. Also seem to be able to meditate deeper”
Karen ~ Bury, Manchester

“I have had some quite profound TM experiences… mainly due to the clarity it has given me over matters that have been difficult for me.
I was hoping it would have this kind of effect on me. I was really quite stressed before TM and it has alleviated most of that and I can feel it is getting better and having a more calming effect over time.”
S.R ~ Manchester