Extract from a Google Review :

Learning TM (Transcendental Meditation) in Newcastle upon Tyne

“I have been practising TM since 2010 (aged 29) after attending a course led by Chris. The impact it has had and continues to have on my life is immeasurable. After a couple of years early on where I was dipping in and out, I now treasure the daily practice. Since attending the course I have have been to a number of refreshers and group meditations and all of these are free. The way the course fees are worked out and the support once completed only serves to reinforce the integrity throughout. I can’t recommend the pratice of TM highly enough.”

Karl ~ Newcastle upon Tyne

Online TM Refresher Tomorrow Night

You are very welcome to attend our monthly online TM refresher session tomorrow night, Tuesday 16th July, starts 6.30pm, finish by 8.00pm (90 mins max) UK time BST.

Open to all who have attended a TM course, it will include a 20 minute meditation and is the perfect way to kickstart your meditation routine.  Get in touch for details.

Extract from a Google Review

“Someone recommended Transcendental Meditation 26 years ago when at age 27 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, but it all seemed a bit hippy to me and sadly I didn’t pursue it further… My loss!!!  TM is honestly the best thing I have ever come across; it has changed my life.  I feel healthier, happier and more in control.  Lifes challenges are easier to deal with and I feel more present and grounded.  I suffer from fatigue due to my conditions, but I have more energy now then I’ve ever had before.  It should be prescribed on the NHS.”

Patricia ~ Whitehaven, Cumbria (Learnt TM online May 2023)

“I may not meditate everyday, maybe even not every week, but knowing that TM is there and it is something I can do anywhere at anytime, feels like having a safety net with me at all times.”

Karen ~ Newcastle upon Tyne (Learnt TM in 2004)

You are very welcome to attend our monthly Online TM refresher tonight, Thursday 13th June at 6.25pm to start 6.30pm finish by 8.00pm. (90 mins max)  UK time BST.

Open to all who have attended a TM course.

It will include a full 20 minute meditation and you will find it really helpful in consolidating your meditation practice. Let me know if you’d like to attend.

Another excerpt from a Google Review

“I can absolutely recommend Chris Greathead’s training course in T.M. I found him online and took the plunge. I was impressed how easy it was to learn over the internet, with both a helpful one to one tailored sesssion and a few group learning sessions that really worked well. I’ve tried to do mindfulness meditation over the years, but didn’t find it easy or useful, but TM is so much more straightforward and I have really felt the benefits.  I’ve noticed that my concentration is better (impressive with menopause in the mix!)  and I just feel more relaxed in general. I now meditate most days and have found it easy to incorporate into my life – work commitments and all. I am recommending TM to friends and family, my only regret is that I didn’t start TM years ago! ”

Elaine ~ Pickering, North Yorks (Learned TM Online in November 2022)

Another excerpt from a Google Review

“Having tried various forms of meditation and mindfulness over the past 20 years I have never been able to establish a regular practice – until now. The training with Chris was excellent with plenty of theory and practice as well as ongoing support. I wasn’t sure about doing it online, but actually it worked really well and was good to train in the place where I mostly practice. I am am now 4 months in and meditating almost every day so really feeling the benefits. I especially like the fact I can do it anywhere so I often meditate on train/tube journeys. Highly recommend Chris’s course and this secular form of TM without the mumbo jumbo, just a good thorough training in a very accessible form of meditation.”

Karen ~ London (Learned TM online in October 2022)

Excerpt from a Google Review :

“I took the training course from Chris via Zoom in August 2021, and it was one of the best decisions of my life. Since taking the course I have read Jack Forum’s book on Transcendental Meditation, and the process by which Chris taught me is exactly the same as Mr Forum’s description of the process. So if you are concerned that you may not be getting the “authentic” experience, have no fear this is the real deal.

About 6 months after learning the technique, I went through a very stressful period in my life. We were in the process of moving into a new home and at the same time my work schedule became way more demanding then usual resulting in long hours, late nights and weekends. I was drowning and let my practice slip. After a couple of months and seeing how much more stressed I was and how poorly I was dealing with these challenges my wife looked at me and said “you need to start meditating again.” As usual she was right. I have since resumed my twice daily practice and the results have been fantastic. I no longer feel stressed, when problems arise, I can meet them with a smile. I am sleeping better and even have emotional energy to not only maintain my relationships, but invest in them. I cannot recommend this class highly enough. If you are considering it, do yourself and those you love a favour and go for it. It is a small investment in yourself that yields benefits far greater then the time and money you put in.”

Tim ~ Texas, USA

Fancy a 3 night Meditation Retreat by the Sea in beautiful Northumberland?

Open to anyone who has attended a TM (Transcendental Meditation) course. Starting at 4pm on Friday 15th and finishing Monday 18th of March.

Give yourself a Spring boost and treat yourself to a lovely 3 night weekend meditation retreat at Alnmouth on the beautiful Northumberland coast this March.

As it happens the November one is now almost full, but I do have some lovely en-suite rooms available for the March one. (NEXT MONTH!) If you’re interested let me know right away.

The per person cost is: Single en-suite room £382, Shared en-suite room £372, Single non en-suite room £352.

Everyone needs a break.

Phew – never more true! The emphasis of these weekends is deep rest & revitalisation, enabling you to gain a clearer experience & understanding of Transcendental Meditation. Regardless of whether you are practising regularly or not, many people use the weekend to re-establish a meditation routine.

The weekend includes extra meditation (in the group or separate as you prefer) with optional simple yoga postures, plus group meetings and discussion. The whole thing is very informal and there is plenty of time to enjoy the company of meditator’s from across the country over lovely meals and leisurely walks.

Nether Grange is a pretty special venue. We’ve been running TM weekends here in Alnmouth for nearly 30 years. Located in this beautiful seaside village within the Northumberland Coastal Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty it’s just a minutes walk onto the beach. The perfect place to rest & revitalise, yet only 45 minutes drive north of Newcastle upon Tyne and a two minute drive from the local railway station on the East coast main line between London Kings Cross and Edinburgh.

“It was a really magical weekend & was so special to be back in Alnmouth and to experience group meditation again.” – Tracey, Inverness

“A really enjoyable weekend I feel rested and very refreshed and better than I have done in ages. It reminds me how good meditation is for me and I should try to start doing it once a day again.” – Becky, York

Interested?  Get in touch with Chris : chris@tm-meditation.co.uk  + 07969.211886

More comments about the Alnmouth retreats:

“Fabulous weekend at Alnmouth.  It honestly couldn’t have been better. Relaxation, belly laughs, interesting conversation, beautiful scenery, amazing food and a talk by local wildlife extra thrown in! I’ll be there again.” Heather ~ Saltburn, North Yorkshire

 “Many thanks for a most enjoyable weekend at Alnmouth. It ticked all the boxes and I’m pleased my name is down for a return visit next November. It was such a treat to be amongst so many kind like minded people.”  Peter ~ Canterbury, Kent

“A fantastic weekend in Alnmouth. So good to be back there.” Simon ~ Todmordon, West Yorks

“What a lovely TM weekend . It was so lovely to see familiar faces and new. Alnmouth never fails to impress me with its wild beauty”. Paula ~ Derby

“It always blows me away, just how powerful the meditation can be.” Matt ~ London

“Wonderful to be back at Alnmouth.” Sheila ~ Newcastle upon Tyne

“Great weekend. Feeling good, relaxed and calm”. John ~ Allendale

“Thank you for organising the retreat; I can honestly say I really enjoyed it. Alnmouth is so beautiful in all weathers and it was wonderful to be surrounded by such friendly and interesting people. I was so sad to leave and come back to normal life!” Tania ~ Newcastle upon Tyne

Excerpt from a recent Google Review

“TM is the single most effective thing I’ve done to regulate my nervous system. Its helped enormously overall, but particularly with anxiety and sleep. I’ve been practising solidly since I did the TM course nine months ago. I have chronic conditions and Chris offering this learning online actually made it accessible to me. There’s no resistance around TM (I’d struggled to keep a consistent practice with other types of meditation in the past) I find it easy, enjoyable and powerfully restful. Every couple of months my practise deepens and more benefits slowly unfold, it’s a really beautiful thing.”

A ~ London


“Though developed in the Vedic tradition, for me TM is not a mystical, religous or even a New Age practice. It is a practical and down to earth way of dispelling stress, and opening up the ideas section of my mind.

No forced focus on the body or on a mantra; no fighting the mind’s purpose, which is to think thoughts. It works the way your mind works. Literally no effort, in fact, effort is a no no! I’ve worked two meditations into my daily routine and the benefits have been dramatic and quite specific; easy stress handling, significantly enhanced creativitive ideas for my business, as well as renewed energy and drive.”

Douglas ~ Tyne & Wear (Learned TM in 1974)