Not specifically about TM, (Transcendental Meditation) but relevant.  One of the growing number of articles on research that is beginning to explain why people who meditate experience the benefits thy do.

“Taking a minute to focus on your breath, engage in mindfulness or practice any stress management technique could be shaping your (brain)’s wiring even when you’re not actively focused on a task.”

“Your brain literally changes based on daily activities and lifestyle”

“I first learnt TM (Transcendental Meditation) in 2004, a few months after the sudden death of my partner. My reasons were purely practical, my blood pressure had gone through the roof and I didn’t want to start taking drugs. I researched alternative methods dealing with this and came across several reports and articles indicating that TM  may help. It did. But it did so much more as well!

Initially it became a time when I could let my thoughts go wherever they wanted, my “time-out” every day. As the years went on and I accepted my new normal I carried on meditating – most of the time. If I got busy or was travelling, it got pushed aside. Once I’d missed several sessions, it became easy to carry on not meditating, after all it didn’t seem to make any difference. Only it did. After a few weeks of not meditating, I’d find myself getting very short tempered and irritated with things that don’t usually bother me. Somehow days just didn’t flow as well. Once I’d noticed that, I would go back to meditating; I’d become calmer and life would improve.

After the onset of Covid, several wonderful TM teachers in the UK came together to offer twice daily TM sessions online via zoom. Due to the time difference I only do one of them, but they have been incredible!! I’m finding almost the same effect meditating with others via zoom that I do when I meditate with others in person.

If you’re thinking of trying TM, but are hesitating, don’t – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Whether you chose to join the online zoom meetings or meditate alone after you’ve learnt, you’ll be part of a wonderful community and will get all the support you need from the teachers.”

Elisabeth ~ LA, USA  (Learnt TM in 2004)

He says he was lucky to have sent his three children to a progressive nursery school where they were taught the basics of transcendental meditation. He was so impressed by the calming results of this that he took a course himself. “I find that if I’m too tired, too tense, too angry, meditation is the best way out,” he says. “Five minutes of TM is a very useful tool.”

From last Sundays Observer

Excerpt from a Google Review :

“I learnt to meditate with Chris 3 years ago via zoom during a very difficult time and I have meditated every day since.  I now couldn’t imagine a day when I didn’t.  It is the best way to start the day I feel refreshed calmer and more focused.  Being able to access this over zoom was brilliant.  I think that TM is something everyone should try.”

Karen ~ Surbiton, London, UK

A recent Google Review (This morning) :

“Some friends ask why we decided to start practicing TM. After all I am 75 and too old to start something new. My wife is 66 and newly retired. They said TM was a religion that the Beatles were practicing 60 years ago. Why would I want to put forth that kind of effort?

My first answer to them was that TM is not a religion. It is a method. Scientifically proven to be beneficial to those who practice it.

TM is meant to be effortless. Chris has made it even more effortless by making it available to learn and practice over Zoom. We live in the US, so Zoom has enabled us to participate in group meditation with a wonderful group of people in the UK and other countries.

How have we benefitted? We are more relaxed. It has increased our focus. It has stimulated our creativity. We sleep better. Our dreams are more vivid. TM gives us a greater sense of peace in an otherwise chaotic world. Overall TM has enhanced our daily lives”

Bob & Mary E ~ (Chicago,, IL, USA)

Extract from a Google Review :

Learning TM (Transcendental Meditation) in Newcastle upon Tyne

“I have been practising TM since 2010 (aged 29) after attending a course led by Chris. The impact it has had and continues to have on my life is immeasurable. After a couple of years early on where I was dipping in and out, I now treasure the daily practice. Since attending the course I have have been to a number of refreshers and group meditations and all of these are free. The way the course fees are worked out and the support once completed only serves to reinforce the integrity throughout. I can’t recommend the pratice of TM highly enough.”

Karl ~ Newcastle upon Tyne

Online TM Refresher Tomorrow Night

You are very welcome to attend our monthly online TM refresher session tomorrow night, Tuesday 16th July, starts 6.30pm, finish by 8.00pm (90 mins max) UK time BST.

Open to all who have attended a TM course, it will include a 20 minute meditation and is the perfect way to kickstart your meditation routine.  Get in touch for details.

Extract from a Google Review

“Someone recommended Transcendental Meditation 26 years ago when at age 27 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, but it all seemed a bit hippy to me and sadly I didn’t pursue it further… My loss!!!  TM is honestly the best thing I have ever come across; it has changed my life.  I feel healthier, happier and more in control.  Lifes challenges are easier to deal with and I feel more present and grounded.  I suffer from fatigue due to my conditions, but I have more energy now then I’ve ever had before.  It should be prescribed on the NHS.”

Patricia ~ Whitehaven, Cumbria (Learnt TM online May 2023)

“I may not meditate everyday, maybe even not every week, but knowing that TM is there and it is something I can do anywhere at anytime, feels like having a safety net with me at all times.”

Karen ~ Newcastle upon Tyne (Learnt TM in 2004)

You are very welcome to attend our monthly Online TM refresher tonight, Thursday 13th June at 6.25pm to start 6.30pm finish by 8.00pm. (90 mins max)  UK time BST.

Open to all who have attended a TM course.

It will include a full 20 minute meditation and you will find it really helpful in consolidating your meditation practice. Let me know if you’d like to attend.

Another excerpt from a Google Review

“I can absolutely recommend Chris Greathead’s training course in T.M. I found him online and took the plunge. I was impressed how easy it was to learn over the internet, with both a helpful one to one tailored sesssion and a few group learning sessions that really worked well. I’ve tried to do mindfulness meditation over the years, but didn’t find it easy or useful, but TM is so much more straightforward and I have really felt the benefits.  I’ve noticed that my concentration is better (impressive with menopause in the mix!)  and I just feel more relaxed in general. I now meditate most days and have found it easy to incorporate into my life – work commitments and all. I am recommending TM to friends and family, my only regret is that I didn’t start TM years ago! ”

Elaine ~ Pickering, North Yorks (Learned TM Online in November 2022)