“Thank you for this weekend, I really enjoyed it. I’ve been managing to TM twice a day and am very happy with everything.
I certainly see an improvement in my focus and if that continues I’ll be soooo happy! No Star Trek experiences as yet, but one can live in hope
My ten year old daughter said she would like to learn it too, I may sign her up at some point.”
Sonja ~ Manchester

“Just wanted to say thankyou very much again for the whole experience last weekend, I thoroughly enjoyed it and got an incredible amount from it. The group sessions were extremely enjoyable and helpful,
I’m really enjoying the meditation and look forward to both sessions each day already, and am already seeing real benefit – I seem to have so much more energy and already seem to have a much clearer, happier mind and a key thing for me is that I’ve experienced no stress at work thus far this week, where before weekend the stress levels while at work were enormous each and every day, I’m now seemingly able to let things wash over me and take things as they come.
I’m sure I’ll have ups and downs as everyone does, but suffice to say I’m pretty amazed at how tangible the benefits seem after only 5 days – I cant wait to see what its like in 5 months!”
Andy ~  Bury, Manchester

“It felt like being asleep whilst awake”  Joanna ~ Cheshire

“Its awesome”  David ~ Manchester”

‘I had been looking to learn meditation for a while, but was quite unsure as to which kind I wanted to do. Fortunately, I heard an interview on the radio with David Lynch who was singing the praises of TM, and having done some subsequent reading, I thought it must be worth a go!

I learnt TM about half way through my first pregnancy and I foundthat it considerably altered the experience, and my life generally. There were a couple of quite stressful factors in my life at the time and the meditation helped me to draw away from these and to connect more with the baby. I often followed meditation with some gentle yoga and I look back on this as valuable and peaceful time spent.

I have practised fairly regularly over the last five years, although fitting two sessions a day round the now two children is challenging, and it is often just the once after they have gone to bed! I am a housewife/pianist/singer/songwriter and I find that the meditation helps with everything from sorting through life on a mundane level and dealing with the family more calmly, to a more profound level creatively. It has doubtlessly played a role in increasing my confidence in my material and in performing, which I never thought I would be able to do.’
Tansey ~ Winchester, Hants

Easy to be a bit cynical about this stuff and I don’t get his films, but well done David.


Meditation transforms roughest San Francisco schools
At first glance, Quiet Time – a stress reduction strategy used in several San Francisco middle and high schools, as well as in scattered schools around the Bay Area – looks like something out of the om-chanting 1960s. Twice daily, a gong sounds in the classroom and rowdy adolescents, who normally ca…

“I decided to try TM after suffering a brain haemorrhage which left me disabled & also from a condition called Thalamic Pain Syndrome which means I am in pain 24/7. The Consultant prescribed many different medications including morphine but pain levels became more intense. I tried meditation many years ago when I was at university after a car accident & found it helped. After researching TM, it was obviously the next choice, very easy to learn & I couldn’t believe the benefits, almost instantaneous.  Within 2 days the eczema on my arms had vanished, I was sleeping much better, 8 hours no problem. I was much calmer at home & had regained my focus, mentally. Most importantly, my pain levels reduced during & after meditating. This started with 30 minutes then 1 hour & increases on a weekly basis. I still have odd days when the pain is ‘bothersome’ but TM has given me my life back & I’m still making progress.”

Steve ~ Retired Teacher, Hull.

“Just wanted to let you know how beneficial I am finding the TM. I attended the course in York, and apart from 2 days, when we had the builders in, have practised TM everyday. I have tried different types of meditation in the past, but none have worked for me as well as TM. After being made redundant last year and failing to find employment, I was beginning to feel very despondent, stressed and anxious. After only a few days of meditating I realized that I am in the right place, for me to be, at the present moment in time. I don’t wish to be unemployed for much longer, but the stress and anxiety I was experiencing have gone. It is so lovely not to wake up each morning with an anxious knot in the pit of my stomach. My better half has noticed a difference in me too.”
I found the course to be extremely informative and easy to understand, it really has made a difference to my life.
Joanne ~ Yorkshire