Improved sleep through TM :
“I decided to learn TM because I wanted to find a way to deal with my sleep problems that did not involve medication. A couple of years ago I went through a particularly stressful time and unsurprisingly my sleep became very disrupted. However it never righted itself even when things calmed down again in my life. I had gotten into bad sleep patterns/routines that I just couldnt get out of – namely, waking up lots of times during the night with a racing mind that just wouldn’t calm down, and then waking up for good around 5-5.30am. It was leaving me exhausted, and I felt like my life was shrinking as I was going to bed ever earlier in an attempt to get at least a few hours decent kip every night.
I researched solutions on the internet and came across TM. I didnt
know anyone who had done it before, so it was a bit of a risk-take,
but the testimonials I read indicated that it could really help with
sleep, amongst many other things, so I thought I should seize the
opportunity and give it a go.
I took the course in January of this year and now meditate at least once a day (usually twice a day but not always).
Within a few weeks I noticed a difference. My sleep improved
considerably. It is now the norm for me to get 7-8 hours no problem and if I do wake up during the night, I usually get back to sleep really quickly, no more lying there with thoughts/worries racing round my mind – even if I wake up at 5, I still get back to sleep!
This was all I had hoped for with the TM but I have noticed other
benefits in my life too. The things that used to upset me/rile me/make me anxious, still do, but just not to the same extent. I just feel stronger inside, more calm, like I have a protective emotional armour that I did not possess before. Stressful situations are now more “water off a duck’s back” than they previously used to be. And generally, I just feel more positive. It has been a real eye-opener to me, that the “me” I was two years ago when I was stressed, and which I was in danger of remaining, was not the real “me” but just a series of bad patterns/routines I had temporarily gotten into. There is a different, stonger “me” inside and TM is helping that come out. And for that I am very, very grateful.”

Marketing Manager

Comment from participant on Manchester TM course last weekend :

“Best thing ever, feel absolutely fantastic, ability to stay calm, happy & clear. Feel I could conquer the world!”
Claire, Manchester

Comment from participant on Newcastle TM course 10 days ago :
“The meditation is going well, and the fatigue stage has passed. I am now energised and feeling nicely ‘bright’! I am putting this down partly to the quality of the sleep I’ve had since the course – the most peaceful, deep and refreshing I’ve ever experienced in adulthood.”
Annette, Sunderland

Continuing our series of peoples experiences of TM :

I was first introduced to the practice of TM in 2010. After the training I did not consistently meditate initially because I think it took me a while to understand what I was actually doing and whether I was doing it right. On the whole I have consistently done about 20 minutes TM a day (evening times).
I know I have discovered a very valuable skill that will help me through the rest of my life. With TM I am able to go to a place in my ‘mind’ that I cannot ordinarily access. It is a simple technique that allows me to tap into a different sort of energy, psychological, emotional, spiritual – I do not know which and it does not matter to me. All I need to know is that it has had a powerful effect on my daily life, one upon which I am keen to expand and nurture.
I have been dealing with infertility issues for some years and although I feel I am coming through the intense feelings of bereavement and devastation that this brought to my life, I use TM to help me through the dark moments that still crop up. I find I emerge from a 20 minute session with a much stronger sense of clarity and perspective. It feels like I am tapping into what I call ‘the real me’, the one underneath the layers of negativity, pain and emotional exhaustion that distract me, and prevent me from functioning the way I want to and the way I know I can. After TM, I can emerge with a feeling of calm and a deeper acceptance of my situation and myself. Sometimes things are what they are and I have learnt that is ok, and in fact, I am ok and life is ok. TM has brought me to that way of thinking. It has increased my capacity to cope with the big things and the little things in life. I am SO much better now at standing back from situations (big or small) that in the past might have swallowed me up and left me feeling like I was not coping or overwhelmed by the weight of it all. My intention is to build up to doing 20 minutes TM in the morning as well as in the evening and to observe the effects. It will be a good thing – I know that for sure. It might even be amazing!

Christina, Teacher, Tyneside

This weeks testimonial on TM & its benefits :

‘At a time when we are bombarded by information, communication and constant background noise, it comes as blessed relief that something called TM exists. It’s free and it’s yours and it’s as natural as breathing itself! I learned TM because I needed a coping mechanism from the stresses of life that was free from jargon, gimmicks or false promises. What I received was a complete lifestyle change ….’
‘There are so many benefits to TM. Cravings for alcohol and nicotine vanish naturally. Bad habits and negative routines can be broken. You are calmer and you are better equipped to deal with setbacks and problems. You are more focused in daily activities and your relationships improve.You can actually lose weight, too!’

Steve, Headteacher, Newcastle upon Tyne.

“I thought you would be pleased to hear another positive testimonial attributed to TM I believe. I use an iPhone app that tracks my levels of sleep each night, i.e. light/REM, awake and deep sleep. For months the stats have shown that I fluctuate between light and awake all night and very rarely go into a deep sleep or stay in it for any length of time. Last night I fell into the deep sleep stage and stayed in it all night! I am delighted.” Julie, Edinburgh

“I can honestly say that the TM has made a instant impact as I now feel a lot calmer, Only problem at the moment is I want to meditate more than the twice a day as I feel so good after it. However I know if I keep to the twice a day its more than enough for my needs.” Norman, Saltburn.

“I do believe that TM is going to have a big impact on my everyday life and I can tell that the meditation I have been doing so far is having effect. On the plane home to Sweden I also meditated “in public” for the first time and it went really well – the time on a flight never passed so quickly before!” Lea, Sweden.

“You don’t need to be stressed to do Transcendental Meditation, but it helps!”   Terrible joke, and  there are a huge variety of reasons why people take up meditation, but there is no doubt that one of the things TM has become most well known for, is as an incredibly effective way of managing stress.

Continuing in a series of weekly testimonials on peoples experiences of the benefits of practicing meditation.

“A few years ago I was under a lot of stress (over used word, but that was how it felt) the GP found high blood pressure and prescribed medication. I was running three companies in Newcastle.   Co-incidently I read an article in the Daily Telegraph by Dr. Sarah Brewer recommending TM for blood pressure at the same time the Journal Business magazine contained an article about TM and teacher Mr Chris Greathead and again blood pressure was mentioned as one of the benefits. My wife and I contacted Chris and were invited to a meeting along with other interested people. We decided to learn. A few weeks later my blood pressure was normal and I was taken off the medication.
It was not obvious to me but, if I did not meditate for a few days, my mood must have changed because my daughter (involved in the business) would notice and tell me, in no uncertain terms, to start meditating again!
Now (almost) retired and I do not have the pressures I used to have but still enjoy meditation.
I am trying to learn to play an instrument, if I can meditate before a lesson I think it helps, seems to sharpen the mind and aid concentration.
Learning TM is one of the best things we have done, it has brought benefits to mind and body, it is an easy technique when taught properly with life changing results.”

David,  Morpeth, Northumberland