Even when angry, Perry’s words are often delivered with a measured, Zen-like calm, something she ascribes partly to a new maturity (“I left my 20s, I’ve embraced and surrendered to my 30s, and I love it. I wouldn’t go back at all”) and partly to her passion for transcendental meditation. “TM changed my life,” she says. “I studied it five years ago in India during my wedding [to Brand], and it was an incredible thing that I received from that time. Some people get very nervous about the spiritual connotations of things, but TM is very medical and scientific. This [she prods at her mobile] is the new form of sugar. It’s the new dopamine, the new stimulant, and everybody has 20 minutes once a day to turn it off and meditate. When I do it, I can feel the cobwebs lifting and can feel this halo. I think that TM is a beautiful way to find real stillness. You should do it.”
