Penelope Cruz uses transcendental meditation to ease any stress in her life.

She said: “I practiced meditation as a teenager, I stopped for a while, then I took the transcendental meditation courses and I chose to dedicate myself to it.”

“I got lucky enough to get introduced to TM (transcendental meditation) when I was in high school so that was really important…” Susan Silverman


Key points
The United States currently spends more than $4 trillion on healthcare yet the healthcare systems ranks 22nd in the world.
Chronic stress is responsible for a large part of healthcare costs and has been called the “health epidemic of the 21st century.”
Studies suggest that teaching patients to meditate decreases physician fees and reduces the need for healthcare services.


Even though Vanessa feels fortunate to be able to do something she loves for a living, she also needs time to decompress. Meditation is one of her favorite ways to do that. During an interview with The New York Times, Vanessa said, “I usually meditate twice a day, Transcendental Meditation. For some reason, I always forget to meditate on Sunday, because it’s such a weird day, and I’ll remember at 5 and meditate for 20 minutes. And it’s great, because I’ll feel like I’m getting something done. Even though I am sitting on the couch.”

* “I am aiming to Zoom at least once a week, hopefully more I am very pleased to be finally getting into TM through the Zooms.”  Tim ~ Manchester

* “Pulled over in my car on random road, feel a bit of an idiot, it is to be done anywhere though hey?  (Late getting home for online meditation so did in car)  Paula ~ Derby

* “Thanks – that was lovely.  Moray ~ Northumberland

* “Thanks – I could have gone on for quite a long time this evening.”  Sue ~ Lincoln

* “Thank you very much. That was great.” 👍  Jongky ~ Edinburgh

* “Thanks – lovely session!  Eva ~ London

* “Thanks! I really enjoyed tonight’s meditation.”  Lucy ~ Humberside

* “Thanks for that, I’ll definitely be back for these as it really helped – especially with my habit of jumping out of meditation too quickly to tick off whatever needs doing!  It was lovely to sink a bit deeper again in that session.”  Mark ~ Humberside

* ” Overall I’m doing much better but one thing that sticks out is not long after I started TM, maybe a couple of weeks, I was having a freak out because I thought I had lost some work records I was supposed to be auditing. I went and sat and meditated and during it I remembered if I did loose them in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter. After the meditation I felt so calm and centred and much better overall. It really was a big moment for me because getting overwhelmed and having emotional breakdowns where it all spirals down has been a big problem for me.  I did find the work records a few days later. I still haven’t got round to auditing them>” 😂  Rita ~ Leeds

* “I continue to meditate daily and continue to get enormous benefit from it.  I just completed my first job back to work after 10months away. It is a difficult, highly pressured, very stressful job. (for example I worked without sleep for the last 46 hours!)                                                                                                         Interestingly I did exactly the same job a year ago. A controlled experiment pre and post meditation course! The difference was evident! My communication was more direct and timely, i conducted meetings more effectively, I noted increased confidence, and writing flowed more smoothly. There is no doubt this was partly due to familiarity, but I think meditation also had a huge impact on my approach. This made the whole experience, while just as tiring, more personally beneficial, and quality of the work delivered was improved.” Helen ~ London

* “Thanks, that was great.  This discussion has been so helpful— a great refresher, thanks”  Abi ~ Manchester

* “Wanted to touch in and say hello- I’m still doing my TM practice daily and loving it.  Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to attend the Zoom class because of wifi issues currently happening-  I really miss it and wanted to let you know how much I value that your group makes this available.  Hopefully I’ll be back on soon and see you then!”  Niketa ~ Bahamas

“You know, I recently started Transcendental Meditation as a gift from [director] David Lynch. He paid for me and my wife, Amy, to learn T.M. And quite frankly, I’m 78 years old and I wish I’d had been doing it for 50 years.”
Graham Nash