Anybody can meditate

Welcome to our first TM Independent blog where we hope to have something significant to say!

After over 40 years of teaching TM (the last 24 independently) it still amazes me at how difficult it is to actually describe TM.  The worst thing about Transcendental Meditation is undoubtedly its name,  it makes people want to run a mile.  The best thing about TM is that it actually works & anybody can do it.

Most people hear the word “meditation” and immediately  think : “concentration, empty the mind”  =  difficult!  This isn’t helped by the fact that most media coverage on meditation (including TM) usually includes a photo of a young woman sitting in a yogic posture in some idyllic place.

In fact TM genuinely is the simplest thing anybody can or ever will do & really is effortless, not involving any concentration or emptying of the mind.  Thinking, the nature of the mind to have thoughts, is an entirely natural part of the experience of Transcendental Meditation and in reality thousands of people in the UK do their meditation daily on the bus, train, tube on their way to and from work.

On every single TM course we teach, whether as in this year so far, in Newcastle, Edinburgh, Manchester, Ringwood (Hants) New Forest or York, people say the same thing when they are about to learn : “I’ve got a very busy mind”.

This is followed at the end of the first learning session by : “I can’t believe how easy it is”

Comments like the one below sum it up :

“I’ve studied meditation for years and found it to be beneficial to my overall health and mental well-being. Whilst using lots of different techniques I’ve found TM is the simplest and easiest to pick up and integrate into our busy lives.”

Russell,   IT developer,   Oxford,