You don’t need to be stressed to do TM, but………..

“You don’t need to be stressed to do Transcendental Meditation, but it helps!”   Terrible joke, and  there are a huge variety of reasons why people take up meditation, but there is no doubt that one of the things TM has become most well known for, is as an incredibly effective way of managing stress.

Continuing in a series of weekly testimonials on peoples experiences of the benefits of practicing meditation.

“A few years ago I was under a lot of stress (over used word, but that was how it felt) the GP found high blood pressure and prescribed medication. I was running three companies in Newcastle.   Co-incidently I read an article in the Daily Telegraph by Dr. Sarah Brewer recommending TM for blood pressure at the same time the Journal Business magazine contained an article about TM and teacher Mr Chris Greathead and again blood pressure was mentioned as one of the benefits. My wife and I contacted Chris and were invited to a meeting along with other interested people. We decided to learn. A few weeks later my blood pressure was normal and I was taken off the medication.
It was not obvious to me but, if I did not meditate for a few days, my mood must have changed because my daughter (involved in the business) would notice and tell me, in no uncertain terms, to start meditating again!
Now (almost) retired and I do not have the pressures I used to have but still enjoy meditation.
I am trying to learn to play an instrument, if I can meditate before a lesson I think it helps, seems to sharpen the mind and aid concentration.
Learning TM is one of the best things we have done, it has brought benefits to mind and body, it is an easy technique when taught properly with life changing results.”

David,  Morpeth, Northumberland