Part of the human condition, how could you be human and not sometimes feel depressed. P.S. That includes men btw. 🙂

Many people find meditation makes a difference.  Why?  Because most people don’t realise how run down they have become through everyday wear and tear.  This results in a gradual accumalation of mental and physical fatigue, even exhaustion which can result in low moods and depression.

Transcendental Meditation (TM) gives one a simple, ultimately “effortless” and absorbing break.  Something that, importantly people don’t just enjoy, but begin to look forward to, little moments of deep mental and physical relaxation, which experienced daily can become transformational.
“The clinical watchdog also recommends mindfulness and meditation as possible alternatives to anti-depressants in new guidelines under consultation.”

When I first started teaching Transcendental Meditation in the late 70’s, on every course there would be a middle aged man (40’s / 50’s) suffering from work related stress, burnout. Often referred by their GP for conditions like high blood pressure. Teaching TM regularly since then, I can’t help but notice that while I still get people like this on most of my courses, the big difference over the last 20 years is that :

A/ There are as many women as men suffering from stress at work.

B/ The most common age group in this situation is late 20’s early 30’s.

For many Transcendental Meditation is one of the antidotes to the pressures of modern day life.