Comments from last weeks TM course in Edinburgh :

“I thought you would be pleased to hear another positive testimonial attributed to TM I believe. I use an iPhone app that tracks my levels of sleep each night, i.e. light/REM, awake and deep sleep. For months the stats have shown that I fluctuate between light and awake all night and very rarely go into a deep sleep or stay in it for any length of time. Last night I fell into the deep sleep stage and stayed in it all night! I am delighted.” Julie, Edinburgh

“I can honestly say that the TM has made a instant impact as I now feel a lot calmer, Only problem at the moment is I want to meditate more than the twice a day as I feel so good after it. However I know if I keep to the twice a day its more than enough for my needs.” Norman, Saltburn.

“I do believe that TM is going to have a big impact on my everyday life and I can tell that the meditation I have been doing so far is having effect. On the plane home to Sweden I also meditated “in public” for the first time and it went really well – the time on a flight never passed so quickly before!” Lea, Sweden.