Hip Hop Mogul Russell Simmons Says In New Book That Meditation and Yoga Can Make You Rich
Yoga fan Russell Simmons reveals in his new book how yoga can help you get rich and successful.

Germany ponders ground-breaking law to combat work-related stress
Draft proposal states employees should be protected from being ‘permanently reachable by modern means of communication’

Doing really well. My life has changed profoundly – my creativity abundant, (I’ve finished a book, feature film and stage play) and stress? I laugh in the face of stress. Yet nothing external has changed, I have changed. Glorious. It’s simply magnificent.

Alex ~ Manchester

“Relaxed, comfortable, looking forward to next meditation.  Very easy, easier then I thought”

Siobhan ~ Southampton, Hants

“Good, positive, relaxed and excited to continue.”

Jim ~ Havant, Hants