“Before learning TM, I had been interested in meditation for a while and had taken classes and had tried out various types of meditation. I could see that they were all useful, but it was very hard to practice on my own and carry on going.
When I read David Lynch’s book, Catching the Big Fish, he made it sound so easy! So I decided to give TM a go.
I think that the thing about Transcendental Meditation is that it is an easy way into meditating that makes it easier to carry on going.
2 years on, although I go through phases of practising and sometimes not, in general I feel much more calm and in charge of myself. At the times when I go weeks without doing any, it is always good to know that the free follow up group sessions are there if I need the boost to get back into it. And I do notice that I need to get back into it when I am feeling a little irritable, or not so centred and life starts to feel like a bit of a frenzy. I find that it is especially at those times when I think that I don’t have the time to practice, that TM is actually most needed. It is a skill learnt for life.”
Mari ~ Manchester.