Update after meditating for a month (not non-stop, silly!) :
“Just thought I would drop you a line to let you know how I have been getting on with my meditation. Well basically its going fantastic. I am religiously carrying it out twice a day for the correct 20 minute period and have not missed a single one! I absolutely love doing it and cannot believe how it has made me feel and how it makes me feel in general. The energy boost it gives is miraculous and never ceases to amaze me.I find it particularly noticeable when I do it mid afternoon just before I go on the school run because at that time I am normally flagging again and find it hard to summon up the rest of the energy for the latter part of the day, but I no longer find this a problem. Also last night I was up in the night with my daughter and she was not very well, so of course today would normally be a real struggle for me but after carrying out both my meditations today, feel amazing and full of energy. Also I feel in general I am a lot calmer than I was before, the little things that may have wound me up in the past do not bother me as much. One of my friends also saw me about 2 weeks ago and she had not seen me for a while and commented on how I look vibrant and glowing.

So there you have it, cannot praise the TM enough. It is definitely enriching my life for the better.”

Julie, Wigan