“It has been an absolute God send introducing TM to Lisa it really helps and she looks forward to the meditation time so it is the best money I ever spent ! I have also made amendments to my daily processes and am managing to meditate regularly – half the week at least once and the other half twice so all good I have slowed down my pace and allowed more me time Thanks for everything” Denise ~ Liverpool

“I did the TM course in Edinburgh with you in May 2012 (I live in Sweden). Just thought I’d say hi and give you a recap on how I am doing after receiving your e-mail with tips and course dates.
I have meditated at least once almost every day since then (I can count the few days I didn’t with my hands), and just on my own I have gone about doing it the way you describe in your 3 tips – a nice confirmation that I maximise my meditation possibilities in every day life! I have had great benefits:
I worry less, I mostly sleep like a log at night, time management/perception of time during the day is in my favour in the sense that I don’t have to flap, but get things done anyway without running out of time. I handle pressure at work in a way that sometimes I wonder if I’m a bit detached for not freaking out more. Oh, and I think I crave less unhealthy food/sweets!
I used to get very frequent migraines with aura before I started meditating (monthly), in the 3 years I have meditated it has happened 3 times. This is also interesting frome a more severe physical health perspective, as I read that people prone to migraines are more likely to get strokes at a young age – meditation has minimized this correlation for me. I also often used to get cold sores from stress – since 2012 I have had them 3 times in 3 years.
So I want to thank you (again!) for sharing this technique that really has changed things for me in ways that are so evident (subjective well being is hard to measure, improved symptoms and health issues are obvious).
I would love for my partner to do the course too, he is interested but can’t find the time in his busy schedule. I keep telling him that for health you have to MAKE the time or it won’t happen…
All the best for 2016!” Lea ~ Sweden