“Just wanted to let you know that I am still practicing TM.

I do it every morning without fail and most nights if my schedule allows.

On the nights I don’t get chance to do it I use the practice while trying to sleep and wake up the next morning fresh as a daisy.

On the odd occasion I miss a TM in the morning I and most people around can tell.

Best way to describe it is that it clears the brain completely of old thoughts.

This is really good for me as a graphic designer as it makes it easier for new thoughts / ideas to come in afterwards.

Generally I am more relaxed, easier to be around and more thoughtful person since the course I did with you just over a year ago.

I always felt I was an empathetic person but since practicing TM I think I have become more empathetic.

With regards to TM itself I can literally do it anywhere and it makes train journeys to London enjoyable these days.”

Steve ~ York