Daily Online Group TM Meditation + Wednesday pm Q & A

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Zoom link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82893452794

Chris’s Zoom TM Schedule

* Wednesdays at 6.55am & 6.00pm. (+ Q & A’s)

Morning session :

* Start at 6.55am with a group check – a gentle lead in to meditation or if you prefer Pranayama, a simple yoga breathing method that helps the mind settle prior to meditation.  See details : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGoU5qEPLv0  Or you can just sit with the eyes closed prior to meditation.

* 7.00am Start meditation.

* 7.20am Finish meditation plus 3/4 minutes rest with eyes closed.

* 7.25 – 30am  Session ends.

* Please Note : Wednesday mornings start with Meditation Check

EVENING sessions start with a Meditation check at :
* Start 6.05pm.
* Finish at approximately 6.35pm including 3/4 minutes to come out of meditation. 
Any questions do feel free to get in touch.

Very best



Daily Online Meditation Schedule (UK time) :

Monday 6.00pm (Wayne)

Tuesday 6.00pm (Andre)

Wednesday 6.55am (Chris) and 6.00pm (Chris)

Thursday 6.00pm (Andre)

Friday 6.00pm (Andre)

Saturday 6.00pm (Wayne/Andre)

Sunday 6.00pm (Andre)

Wednesday Evening Guide:

* Start at 6.00pm with a few reminders of the simplicity of the practice.

* I will mute (silence) people on arrival to minimise disturbance during meditation. If for any reason I’m unable to do this can you please mute yourself.

* You can have your personal video on or off, many people find it makes the whole online group meditation experience more intimate, human, to see other people, but of course its your choice.

* Start 20 minute meditation after 5 minutes with a gentle lead in checking session

* Finish meditation at approximately 6.30pm

* Followed by 3/4 minutes to come out slowly – very important!  If you’re pushed for time cut the meditation time, but always allow a good few minutes to come out.

* Optional question & answer session though you can of course leave early, but after the 3/4 minutes above – essential!

* Important. If you are using a computer you should be able to just click on link to participate. If using a smartphone or tablet you may need to first download the Zoom App.

Zoom is genuinely very straight forward, but like anything it can take a while to feel comfortable with it. You can attend earlier if you are new to Zoom and just wanting to explore. 

Any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch

Please help us keep zoom sessions going

Our Zoom sessions are absolutely free for anyone who has attended a TM course.  If you enjoy them and find them useful and you wish to make a donation, any contribution is much appreciated, but please don’t feel under any pressure.  To clarify, although we (myself & the other independent TM teachers) collaberate in running these online group meditations, our finances are completely separate.  Thus donations made here are to me (Chris)

Payment online below via Paypal. You do not need a Paypal account and can pay with any debit/credit card.

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