“TM, it’s become part of who I am. I can’t recommend it highly enough, and my daily quiet times are very precious helping me stay calm and steady.”

Ian ~ Newcastle upon Tyne

Birds good for your mental health?


Watching garden birds is good for your mental health, research shows

Being able to see birds, shrubs and trees can help mental health, even if people are not in a rural area, academics found CREDIT: JEFF J


“My practice is very healthy and I enjoy it immensely. I also enjoy Insight Time! What an amazing app.”
Wendy ~ Blairgowrie, Scotland

“I enjoyed the course and am loving meditating. I have done it every day since, except one (due to over-indulgence the previous night).
Due to my shifts I am sometimes only managing one meditation but am doing two whenever possible.”
Damian ~ Manchester

“I still meditate twice a day (while commuting to work!) and it is such a wonderful tool helping in coping with every day stress and “juggling life” in general.”

Lisa ~ Stockholm, Sweden

“Found the refresher course just what I needed. I am now back on track.
40 mins split into Morning and Late afternoon means I get more done
feel better and still have plenty of time to spare.

If anyone says ‘I don’t have the time’, tell them to meditate. They will find
time they never knew they had…seriously, and as a bonus they will feel better, look better, and others will notice the changes.”

Peter ~ Altrincham, Manchester