“I have been meditating for two years now, and it’s the best thing I have ever done to help bring more creativity, positive energy and peace to my life. When I’m tired, stressed, anxious or depressed, I meditate, and it clears my mind, and makes me feel relaxed and happier. I have shared the meditation experience with my friends, and recommend it to everyone I know.”
Katy Perry.

* “Really enjoyed it. Surprised at how easy the technique is”
Katrina, Rotherham

* “Interesting, rewarding, the entire opposite to what you envision meditation to be. A lot easier then I thought.” and a few days later :

“Still loving the TM , already feel like it is part of my daily routine. It is starting to amaze me on a daily basis too. Last night I had a particularly bad nights sleep. We live next door to a MOT Garage and some machinery in there kept going off all night by mistake,(someone had left it switched on). Normally after a night like that I would be grumpy and irritable and extremely shattered for most of the day. But after carrying out my 2 rounds of TM, felt full of energy and not tired at all, am so impressed!”

Julie, Wigan

“I first stumbled across TM at 29 after finishing a degree and not spending enough time on my own health and general  welfare.  I was anxious, unfit and felt that I had to reconnect with myself on a deeper level and had spent too long on hectic nights out and unhealthy habits.   After attending an introductory talk on TM with Chris in August 99 I realised it was just what I needed and attended the weekend course and follow up sessions which were fun, interesting and shared them  with other everyday people.

I quickly integrated it into my daily routine and from doing TM 20 minutes twice a day I noticed benefits within the first 4 weeks and these quickly cumulated over the first six months and longer.  Over time I found myself to be more at ease and noticed that I slept better, was a lot less anxious, calmer, digestion improved, my mood was more balanced, improved relationships with others and actually found the time to slow down rather than just living life at the usual fast pace.  Ironically I found that I achieved more in less time and enjoyed life more.

Over the past 12 years I still do my daily TM practice and this has totally changed my perspective and quality of life and has opened up new avenues.   I now teach Yoga of which meditation is a key practice and I am always more than happy to recommend TM and Chris to anyone who feels it may be of benefit to them.”

David Atkinson, Yoga teacher, Newcastle upon Tyne

“I went on the TM course in Manchester after my cousin recommended it, as I thought it might help me enjoy the present more and calm my life down. I’ve noticed many benefits from it – the most surprising being a reduction in my IBS symptoms, which I hadn’t expected. If I practise TM every day I don’t have any symptoms; if I miss a few session though, they come back. It also lifts my mood and wakes me up! I definitely feel more refreshed after 20 minutes of TM. Also, when I recently gave birth to my baby boy I found that by practising TM through my contractions, it made them significantly easier to get through and I required minimal pain relief throughout.”
Laura, Bristol

Comment from participant on recent Newcastle TM course :
“Doing really well, do it twice a day. I really enjoy it.”
Brenda, Northumberland.